Ah yes, childhood memories.
Ah yes, childhood memories.
Due to the game's length, it's a pretty good time-killer if you're bored and tired of waiting for your pizza to arrive or your cauliflower cheese to cook. Still a good flash game for its time.
This is an unusually good game where the only way to have a game over is when you let the jester kill you or marry that one dude, and not being sent to the dungeon a million times.
One thing I would ask - what's the music playing in the Eternity scene called?
This game is a classic for its time. Despite having the appearance of a shittier-looking version of Dick Figures with less color, I kinda love it for being just that simple. It compensates its simplicity and short gameplay for giving this feeling of uniqueness through its humor, its dialogue, and Johnny Rocketfingers himself.
Johnny here acts and experiences the world around him in a way that makes him one of the most unique characters I've seen in any story, despite this game looking like an ebauche. He acts and talks serious like he's good at everything, even though he can screw up at times, which I can compare the similarities to Mai Minakami from Nichijou.
Because this game is a simple point-and-click adventure, bugs are, as I theorize since I'm too friggin lazy to test EVERYTHING in this game, virtually nonexistent, so that adds another star.
The story meanwhile is simple and linear. Whatever dialogue you choose, it doesn't affect the story that much, even if you either have the prostitute suck Johnny or make him go to sleep. The way it ended is really funny, because Johnny gave the prostitute the wrong child (I don't even know if that abomination is even a child) and took the money from the aforementioned prostitute and left.
Overall everything in this game is entirely perfect in its own in my opinion. It's both unique and excellent. I hope Johnny Rocketfingers 3 gets released, sorry if I couldn't pay you but I hope it will get released. I also got the message about JR3 from you via DeviantArt.
Keep it up.
Thank you for the thoughtful review. Unfortunately JRF3 will never be made if funding is unsuccessful. I don't know if people are realizing this or taking it seriously. Only 15 days left to make this happen and we are only at 36% of our goal.
Friggin finally I waited for this.
Why didn't anyone tell me that Range of the Dead was released?
I am depressed by the fact that many of those who commented below haven't heard of Cirno yet. I like the game, the only parts that I don't like is the minimal design of how the game looks and the sheer difficulty, but I like difficult, so it's just possible that I'm completely mad.
This game's a bit too simple.
Should have expected a sequel for Prehistoric Shark called "Japanese shark", and having that orange-haired 8 year old spoiled genius going "oh yeah" for the destruction of that cargo archway thing filled with dogs.
Damn, the clown is hard as fuck.
This is like Heavy Rain or God of War, minus the hack-o, slash-o, button mash-o combat.
Not bad for a first game. Quite addicting, really fun, and the main theme even gives goosebumps while driving over zombies and military police. The only cons I have is the RP being easy to obtain and the upgrades being cheap, and once you get everything you still gain RP despite buying everything now and becoming super rich.
Overall, this is a pretty good and rare game to find in this world.
I lol'd at the reference, especially the Bullet Hell part. Nostalgic to all those who played the Touhou Project games.
Age 26, Male
High School Student
Pasig Christian Academy
Joined on 12/27/09