The song fits very well with the theme of the entirety of Madness Combat and about how futuristic yet abominable and chaotic its world is.
We can all agree that this started as a cannon ride to a giant marshmallow, then changed themes from being western cowboy to cartoon-y physics defiance, from a Matrix-themed gunfight to a nightmare-themed saga of a deranged (yet energetic clown), from a bleach-skinned ninja escaping a monster to a tanned messiah disabling a computer that seems to control reality, and so on and so forth.
I can't believe how long this series had lasted. Although there are some that have achieved WAY longer, like Sanae-san, this is still a rare feat where the creator is devoted to his work primarily because of its unique style and the fact that there's only one dude who did both the animating and the art design. The songs used in almost every Madness Combat episode is memorable and nostalgic.
This one? Well, the chanting, the rhythm of the bass and the electronic ambiance are surprisingly able to fit together in harmony. I can't actually criticize this in entirety mainly because of my cheap ass earphones, but I still love it for its theme. This song has left me another mark of nostalgia and I might (or will) remember this in the next ten years and remember how awesome the series was even until today.
Keep it up!